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Karl // Dotted

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How does Jump power work with textbox by using a value

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I don't see the SetJumpPower() function in the API docs.


In the C#, make a textbox and then to get the text of that textbot you to .Text

Lets assume the name of textbox is textBox1

it would be: textBox1.Text

at that point, you should probably do some checks to see if its a valid number type

if it is, then convert it in a number with int.parse(textBox1.Text);

then you can use a script like that (really simple) so you copy it at the top of your program then use it with SetSpeedTo

WARNING: The lua code inside of that c# function is not by me. Credits to the roblox docs and dev forum

links that i used:


static string SetSpeedTo(int speed)


    api.SendLuaScript($"local Players = game:GetService(\"Players\")\nlocal Player = Players.LocalPlayer or Players:GetPropertyChangedSignal(\"LocalPlayer\"):wait()\nif Player.Character then\nPlayer.Character.Humanoid.WalkSpeed = {speed}\nend");



i did not test anything, but i think it should work

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Karl // Dotted

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There is SetJumpPower in WeAreDevs api


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Ok Human....If u wanna have JumpPower in Exploit don't waste time for only have 100 jumppower without changing it!

api.SetJumpPower(int value = 100);

But you cant change the number in game so u can make a textbox and button

TextBox name = random

Button Script:

string amount = random.Text;

api.SendLimitedLuaScript("game.Players.LocalPlayer.Character.Humanoid.JumpPower=" + amount);


Thats How you can change amout of JumpPower in The Game!

If you type a letter it will be an error and i think game would crash!

But when i tested it word is not number so it will reconize it as zero and it will said wairning when u paste but thats nothing it will work!

i Know i used string instead int cuz c# is like that and it gives u error but atleast it works!:/

Void is api that we can get by typing

ExploitAPI api = new ExploitAPI();

Vid of seeing the Exploit:

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