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WRD IP crashing on Dex or big script injection

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i know its API i mistyped it Rip

so i was working with the V1 api from WRD  ( that uses the C# framework the inject works perfectly

but once u start using large script like dex explorer (the version on this website) ,
or the api crashes instantly or it load dex and after a couple seconds the game closes automaticly if u do the same dex code with krnl, proxo, synapse , or any other it seems to work fine, why is that i thought those injectors all use the we are dev dll? or do they not any

suggestions on how to fix it since i really wanny build furter on the C# opensource project because i have some unique ideas other injectors dont offer ?
ty for taking the time to read and or help me.

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coco z4 is pog


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The WeAreDevs API isn't as powerful unlike all the other exploits you mentioned. It's buffed Axon with some mods (as I'm told), and buffed axon isn't the best, i use a buffed axon on my exploit, and it's not great, which is why i and my friends are trying to replace it.

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WRD Account For Coco Z

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@cocotechnology it no solution but after reverse engeneering some of the internal exe code i found out why dex in krnl is more snappy they are using this

gonna try to see what krnl does by reversing their dll's since wrd is just crashing for no reason

if game:GetService'CoreGui':FindFirstChild'Dex'then game:GetService'CoreGui'.Dex:Destroy()end;math.randomseed(tick())local a={}for b=48,57 do table.insert(a,string.char(b))end;for b=65,90 do table.insert(a,string.char(b))end;for b=97,122 do table.insert(a,string.char(b))end;function RandomCharacters(c)if c>0 then return RandomCharacters(c-1)..a[math.random(1,#a)]else return''end end;local d=game:GetObjects('rbxassetid://3567096419')[1]d.Name=RandomCharacters(math.random(5,20))d.Parent=game:GetService('CoreGui')local function e(f,g)local function h(i,j)local k={}local l={script=j}local m={}m.__index=function(n,o)if l[o]==nil then return getfenv()[o]else return l[o]end end;m.__newindex=function(n,o,p)if l[o]==nil then getfenv()[o]=p else l[o]=p end end;setmetatable(k,m)setfenv(i,k)return i end;local function q(j)if j.ClassName=='Script'or j.ClassName=='LocalScript'then spawn(function()h(loadstring(j.Source,'='..j:GetFullName()),j)()end)end;for b,r in pairs(j:GetChildren())do q(r)end end;q(f)end;e(d)

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Its WRD api, its not the best API to make exploits with, either try use another API or make your own DLL.

You can't reverse krnl's dll as its not an api (it is its own DLL coded in C++) (most you can do is get the pseudocode and that is no use, your issue is with the WRD api itself, not the script.)

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