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Published NPM Package: Phrase-blacklister

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I just published a package for use with Node.js: phrase-blacklister


You can use this package to check if a certain string contains a banned word. Most bad words are banned by default such as fuck, shit, and ass. Some people attempt to bypass a text filter by using numbers. For example, 'sh1t', which humans would read as, 'shit'. The package can also optionally translate any odd characters to its corresponding alphabetical character.


I'll be using it on this forum soon, so contributions would most definitely be appreciated. This is the first time I've made a piece of the website public, but this would allow for bugs to be more thoroughly analyzed by the community. I'll consider creating more packages soon to make the website even more community managed. It may also be useful for those of you creating community-based applications.






Disclaimer: It's not completely fool-proof and is pretty weak. There is still a large majority of evasion that people can do, for example, shlt. The 'i' is a lower case L. The character translation only applies to 'special characters' (@=a, 4=a, $=s, 8=b, etc).


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So like discord safe chat for a discord bot



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Nice! I will be sure to check it out!

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ok its good


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Thank you, will try to implement this thing into systems by these db software solutions very interested if it will work out. Usually no problems with any other dbs or scripts comparing to users of other software.


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