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Lightweight XAML/WPF Designer (Not Made by Me)


i say im gay as a joke 🙀

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I found this thing called WpfDesigner made by SharpDevelop (ICSharpCode) the company? (Idk if it's actually a company but sure) that created AvalonEdit (the texteditor that WPF exploits can't stop using other than monaco [Tbh monaco isn't even an actual texteditor, it's actually a webpage]).


So I just *barely* modified it and added a XAML logo with a small blue dropshadow to it as an icon, and added Fody & Fody.Costura to make it look like it has "less" stuff, but then I realised that it still runs in the background after closing, so I made a console app launcher thing and runs it and does a ".WaitForExit();" and then kills the task.


So yeah, I didn't make this, only the console app launcher thing and the task killer thing.


And I know this might not be as good as the VS XAML editor, but at least it's more lightweight and imo, it's better than XAML Studio (from Microsoft) and KaXaml.



Source Code by SharpDevelop:


The Src from SharpDevelop but *barely* modified by me:


And Here's the Console Launcher Thing + The Task Killer Thing:



Also .NET 6.0 is required and supports Windows 7+.


Here's the download (It's a WinRar Zip SFX Archive)

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i love femboys

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uh sure i guess this is ok maybe


also icsharp code has made so much stuff smh you don't even know


  • avalonedit was made for an entire c# IDE  not just as a text editor
  • they made ilspy decompiler (same thing dnspy uses)
  • probably 76 morbillion more things probably

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"Questionable intellegence, but I like the mystery" - CubeFaces


i say im gay as a joke 🙀

Posts: 2240

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Joined: Jul, 2020

Reputation: 32


@SeizureSalad yes ik that, i use ilspy and I also have ilspy an a vs extension

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so how is this useful when we have vs?..

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i use arch btw


i say im gay as a joke 🙀

Posts: 2240

Threads: 102

Joined: Jul, 2020

Reputation: 32


@Whoman vs is better but its just lightweight ig

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